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    樹立遠大理想 展現青春風采

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    Foster the lofty ideal ,Showcase the youthful sfyle

        Dear young friends,we are Xu ye na and Tong he wang from Class 8,Grade 7. Today our speech is about ideals and youthFoster the lofty ideal,Showcase the youthful style.親愛的朋友們,我們是來自初一八班的徐葉娜和童和旺,今天我們演講的主題是—樹立遠大理想 展現青春風采。

    Ideals in ancient China were known aszhi’. The ancients thought it very important.No matter how poor they will hold on their ideals. 理想,在我國古代被稱為“志”。古人是很重視理想的,即使到了貧無立錐之地,也要恪守“人窮志不窮”的信念,堅持他們的理想。

    Because the ideal is an oasis in the desert ,a light in the dark,the clarion call of life.古人為何如此重視理想呢?因為理想是沙漠中的綠洲,是暗夜里的燈光,是吹響生命的號角。

    Liu shahe once said “The ideal is a rock and win a spark;the ideal is fire and light the extinguished lamp; the ideal is a lamp to illuminate the road ahead;the ideal is the way to the dawn.”詩人流沙河曾說過:“理想是石,敲出星星之火;理想是火,點燃熄滅的燈;理想是燈,照亮夜行的路;理想是路,引你走向黎明。”

    Young people can’t live without ideals. Ideals can make your life hopeful and shining .Springs always run into the pond. Streams always long for the sea;seeds always look up to the tree.青少年失去理想,生活就會失去光彩,生命就會枯萎。有了理想,生活就會充滿希望,生命就會閃光。山溪的理想是大海,泉水的理想是池塘,幼苗的理想是棟梁。

    We are the cross-century young people. We are the beach-goers of a new era.So we should have our own dreams.作為萬物靈長的人,作為跨世紀的青少年,作為新時代的弄潮兒,我們就更應該有理想。

    Now youth is coming to us.Youth is the spring of life,the sun of morning ,thriving,bright and colorful.Youth is the golden age of life,full of energy,exploration,pursuit and creation.我們大家正處于風華正茂,年富力強的青春時期。青春正是人生的春天,早晨的太陽,蓬蓬勃勃,燦爛火紅,絢麗多彩。青春是人生的黃金時代,充滿活力,富于探索,勇于追求,敢于創(chuàng)造。

    Youth can make sand become pearls, make stone become gold.In the youth world,dry branches can grow new leaves,the desert into an oasis.This is the beauty of youth,the happiness of youth.the duty of youth.在青春的世界里,沙粒要變成珍珠,石頭要化成黃金。青春的魅力,應當是枯枝長出新葉,沙漠變成綠洲。這才是青春的美,青春的快樂,青春的本分!

    Young friends,it’s very lucky for us to meet to esoteric universe,the information society the changing day.青少年朋友們,科學的時代,深奧的宇宙,信息的社會,多變的春秋,一天一個樣,一時一個氣候。

    In order to reveal the secret of life and realize their ideals and pursuits,we must throw away troubles and sadness,grumbles and sighs,pessimism and despair.為了解開生活的秘密,實現自己的理想和追求,我們要丟掉煩惱和憂傷,丟掉埋怨和嘆息,,丟掉悲觀和失望

    We should have the courage to come out of the narrow little world,come out of the square ,hole of money.Hand in hand,side by side,move forward tegether.從狹隘的個人主義小天地里勇敢的走出來,從金錢的方孔里勇敢的走出來…挽起理想的手臂,挽起知識的手臂,昂首挺胸的向前走。

    We know each of us is only a bunch of sunshine, but together,that is a sun,a spring.Each of us is only a bunch of fiber,but together,that is a huge sail.We can push our motherland forward.我們每個人都是一束陽光,合起來就是一輪太陽,就是一個春天!我們每個人都是一束纖維,織起來便是一葉巨大的風帆,就可以推動祖國的航船前進。

    Dear students,we are descendants of Dragon; we are descendants of Hua Xia;We are the flower sea of May.We can embrace the future with our youth.同學們,我們是龍的傳人,是華夏子孫,是五月的花海,我們應該用青春擁抱未來。

    In front of us,it’s the dawn of the new century.We are just young.We should study hard with the ambition to go beyond the ancients.前方,是新世紀的曙光,是我們的用武之地。我們正當青春年少,應該以超越古人的雄心壯志努力學習,艱苦奮斗。

    We should work hard and water the ideal flower with sweat.We should explore our future with our hands,because we are young.We can have many ideals.用辛勤的汗水澆灌燦爛的理想之花,用拼搏的雙手去開拓祖國美好的未來!

    That’s all.Thank you for your listening!我們的演講到此結束,謝謝!

