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    勤奮學(xué)習(xí) 立志成才

    作者:      點(diǎn)擊數(shù):

            Study hard,and be determined to be a useful man


    As the saying goes, "No pains, no gains." With the hard work, we will have results. Unearned thing is non-existent.


    Yes,diligence belongs to the person who treasure and cherish time,belongs to the person who keep his feet on the ground,belongs to the person who has the spirit of persistence and perseverance(p??s?'v??r?ns),belongs to the person who has the courage to explore and  innovate('?n??ve?t).


    Because of diligence, Hans Christian Andersen,who was just a shoemaker's son,become a great king of fairy tale; because of diligence, Balzac/'bælzæk / left precious literary heritage" Human Comedy " to the whole world; because of diligence, Edison has more than 1000 kinds of great scientific inventions;and it also due to diligence,Chinese ancient people left us great topics about cutting the wall to steal light and reading by the light of bagged fireflies or reflected by the snow.

    愛(ài)因斯坦曾經(jīng)說(shuō)過(guò):“在天才和勤奮之間我毫不遲疑的選擇后者”. 學(xué)問(wèn)是鑄器的工具,放棄了學(xué)問(wèn),便摧毀了自己。”

    Albert Einstein once said: "Between the talent and diligence, I do not hesitate to choose the latter one". Learning is a tool for casting. The person who abandon the knowledge, will also destroy themselves.


    Everyone has his own aspiration/æsp?'re??n/, and it's perhaps ambitious/am'bi·tious /, perhaps trivial/'tr?v??l/.


    As the saying goes: "The person without aims often determined while the person with aspiration set up high aims." Setting up aims is the power to  pursue success which can drive us to work hard to achieve goals.


    Therefore, only if we study hard with diligence and  determined to be a useful man,can we make our dreams come true,can we lighten the hope of motherland's future.


    However, we have to say that a phenomenon /f?'n?m?n?n/which is not good and against the mainstream culture of our school has arisen, which make us cant't help thinking about whether we students treat our life with a heart of struggle and harvest.


    The students, who is immersed /im'mersed / in the world of computer and mobile phone in the classroom, have you ever thought what you get every day? Smoking in the toilet, cheating in the exam,and shouting in the dormitory after lights out, don't we feel ashamed as a new generation of Chinese cross-century  youth?


    Today's society is a competitive society.If you are lack of perfect skills and abundant knowledge, you will be unable to gain a foothold in the society.


    So,my dear schoolmates, please wake up! It's time to wake up. Do not be a prisoner of your bad habits, don't be confused by the passing time,don't be defeated by the inertia/'in·er·tia/ .


    Let's ask ourselves, how we can treat our parents who bring up us with hardships fairly? If the parents know that our bad performance in school, how sad they will be!!!


    Rome was not built in a day, the same as success. For our dear parents who bring us up,for our dear teachers who educate us, and also for our own bright future,it's time for all of us to change and perfect ourselves!


    We are in a learning stage, and we should have the spirit of hard-working and pursuance /p?r'su?ns/, just like Edison and Balzac. Because only in this way, can we achieve our goals,


    "No pains,no gains". Only if in the hard time we pay our hard labor,  can we have a  fruitful harvest afterwards.


    For the  brothers and sisters in Grade Nine, secondary school entrance exam is coming.Facing the first important choice in your life,you should work hard and try your best to

    prepare for the exam.We all believe that all of you can get satisfying/sæt?sfa???/ results.


    For the  brothers and sisters in Grade Eight,all of you should take this opportunity and study hard to improve yourselves constantly.You always set a good example for us.


    And we seventh grade classmates can not relax ourselves.What we are doing now will lay a solid foundation for the future learning .Only in this way, will the house be built higher.

    同學(xué)們,無(wú)論我們處在哪個(gè)學(xué)習(xí)階段,我們都應(yīng)該努力,抓住這段易逝的光陰 ,好好把握,作一名努力學(xué)習(xí)不斷奮進(jìn)的中學(xué)生.

    Students, regardless of what we are in learning stage, we should all strive to seize the valuable time ,take advantage of it and be a middle school student who works hard and moves forward constantly.


    Today we stand here, not to lead you to shout slogans/'sl??g?n/,diligence and self-determined,is not just a shouting slogan, but a real action.Without hesitation, Act now!


    We need to grasp our future in our own hands firmly!Maybe we just need the first half step in the courage, we will successfully take a big step to make sure to be a useful man.

    從今天起,不,就是此刻,身為學(xué)生的我們定下自己的努力方向,一步一個(gè)腳印, 為學(xué)校,為社會(huì),為祖國(guó)貢獻(xiàn)我們的力量吧!!!

    From today on, no, from  this moment on, as the students, we set our own direction, and  pursue it step by step ,and devote ourselves to our school, our society and our mother land!!!


    My speech is over.Thank you
