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    新學期 新氣象

    作者:      點擊數(shù):

    尊敬的老師、親愛的同學們(Dear teachers and students:):
      喜慶的新春佳節(jié)伴隨著短暫的寒假生活已經(jīng)過去,新的學期已經(jīng)到來。(Happy Spring Festival along with a short winter vacation has already passed and the new semester has arrived.)我們滿載著2009豐收的喜悅,步入了滿懷憧憬的2010(We enter a full vision of 2010 with the joy of harvest 2009.)。我們又將投入到緊張而又充實的校園生活中(Then We will turn into the intense and fulling school life.)。
      我們要定好目標,執(zhí)著信念,永不言敗。一起因目標而努力,因夢想而精彩,塌塌實實地一步步走下去(We should set a good goal, persistent faith and never give up. We should work hard with the goal, live colorful with the dream and do a lot of down-to-earth work.)。榮譽固然令人羨慕、欽佩,但是“千里之行,始于足下”。要想使理想成為現(xiàn)實,積累是必不可少的(Of course, achievements and honors are often enviable, but a thousand miles begins with a single step. In order to make the ideal become a reality, the accumulation is very important.)。我們應(yīng)該從現(xiàn)在做起,從點點滴滴做起,一步一個腳印塌實地朝著宏偉的目標邁進(We should start now, bit by bit and step by step toward the great goal.)。
      新學期,無疑也為我們提供了嶄新的園地(The new semester no doubt provides us with a brand new garden.)。但是需要提醒的是:榮譽的桂冠往往要荊棘鞭笞,成功的道路往往由汗水鋪成(But we must remember that:getting the crown of honor is not easy and the path to success need to be built by hard work.)。所以,我們要培養(yǎng)堅忍不拔、吃苦耐勞的精神(So, we should develop perseverant and hard-working spirit.)。決心好好學習的人,得有經(jīng)受磨練的思想準備,要有遠大的志向,要有學習的熱忱。在困難和挫折面前,不灰心喪氣,把堅韌不拔的毅力體現(xiàn)在學習之中(The students who want to work hard must prepare to temper himself, to have the ambitions and the enthusiasm for study. When we are in the face of hard things, we can not lose our hearts. And we should also embody the spirit in learning!)!
      我們還應(yīng)該培養(yǎng)優(yōu)秀的道德品質(zhì)(We should also cultivate good moral character.)。當我們坐在明亮的教室里,手捧嶄新的課本,聽著老師的教誨,同學們,我們是否想到了我們正受到社會各界給予我們的幫助及關(guān)愛呢(When we sit in a bright classroom holding new books, listening to the teachers, do you think that the society is giving us help and attention)?我們的老師、父母以及社會上與我們素不相識的人都默默地關(guān)注著我們(Our teachers, parents and the community are silently watching us.)。父母養(yǎng)育了我們,我們應(yīng)該感謝父母;老師給予了我們知識,我們應(yīng)該感謝老師;他人關(guān)心幫助了我們,我們應(yīng)該感謝他們(We should be grateful to our parents who raise us. we should thank our teachers who give us knowledge. we should be grateful to the others who help us.)。
      新學期,新征程,新面貌,此時此刻,相信我們每一位同學的心中都充滿著奮進的激情,因為我們每個人的臉上都洋溢著青春的活力(The new semester, a new journey, a new look, at this moment, I believe everyone’s heart is filled with passion for going ahead, because all of us are filled with youthful vitality.)。讓我們把握住2010這個美好的春天,把計劃付諸行動,展現(xiàn)學子的風采,奉獻青春的智慧(Let’s hold this beautiful spring of 2010, put plans into action, show the features of our students and dedicate youthful wisdom.)。
