師資力量 > 外教風(fēng)采 >


    作者:      點(diǎn)擊數(shù):


    I am Tigist Defaru, aka Nancy. I have been teaching English in China for the last three years. I have had the chance of teaching students ranging from kindergarten age level to high school. Every level has its own peculiarities which made my experience of teaching full of wonders.

    Anqing foreign language school.

    I should admit that I was horrified the first time I came to this school. I got to Anqing sometime after nine in the evening. I heard that the school is out of town, but I couldnt believe it when the car I was in kept racing for about 20 minutes and we didnt get there. On the road I saw not much, just dark roads, some empty buildings and shrubs by the side of the road. I was thinking to my self Is there really a school after all this emptiness? Are there really students beyond this darkness?

    Then I saw itAmong darkness emerged the sight of lit buildings lined in order. I sighed with relief thinking that it is really a big, new school!


    The next morning I walked through the school to get acquainted with it and it is then that I really start to feel it is a kind of well organized school. But when I deeply fall in love with the school is after I met my students. Every class I went in, the students received me with big smiles and some of them even with applauses. With my experience of teaching in China, I dare say that these are the best students I had intermes of hard working and discipline-no exaggeration. Most of the students love English and have a lot of potential that just needs to be explored and encouraged to be used. They need to be given more chance to use what they know and to develop the desire of learning more.

    It is easy to see the effort the school teachers had put in the students from the way the students act and respond to different things. Order seems to be the essence of everything here. There is order and tidiness in everything the students do-nothing is out of place-no tolerance for mess-go and see their classroom and the way they sit. I dont know about you, but that is impressive for me. I always cant help wondering what it took the teachers, the school and parents to make the students maintain that quality. I see the strength of these three parties through the students achievement.

    Finally I would like to express my pride for having the honor of being part of the teaching team of this school, which I believe is working hard to contribute a big part in producing valuable citizens for the future China!



