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    9A  Unit3  Teenage problems  Reading

         By  Xia Ji

    【教學目標】To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings.

    To ask for advice.

    To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.


    【教學重點】: To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings


    【教學難點】:To ask for advice

    To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.


    【教學方法】Reading,practicing and discussing




                      a. Revise something learned in the last period.

    b.Get students to look at some pictures about teenage problems , and lead them to complete the blanks ,then Let them read these sentences some times.

    c.Explain some new words to students.


    a.       Task1

    Show two questions on the screen about Millie:

    1. What is Millies favourite hobby?

    2. What is Millies problem?

    Then let students read the letter of Millie only two minutes and answer these two questions.

    b.      Task 2

    Play a flash to sudents ,tell them to look at it carefully,then answer five questions:

    1.Is Simon crazy about football?

    2.How long does Simon play football every day?

    3.What does Simons mother ask him to do?

    4.Do Simons parents understand him?

    5.What problem does Simon have?

    Maybe some questions they can’t answer well , then let them read the letter from Simon and answer these five questions.Check answers.

    c.       Task 3

    Show a form to students , let them fill in , and compare the differences between Millie and Simon.


                      Can you give them some advise?

                      Lead students to think about carefully , call some students to speak out their opinions , then the teacher give her views.

                 Step5:Free Sky

                     Lead them to talk about their problems.


                     Write a short letter to talk about your hobbies ,your study ,your problems and ask for advise.



    的學生上課時比較沉悶,但是今天這節(jié)課他們的氣氛很好,從剛開始的圖片導入,引導他們描述出圖片上的內容,引出青少年的問題,到后面的三個任務型閱讀,再到后面的討論,基本上班上的學生都能跟著我的步驟來進行今天的活動,而且基本上都能很好的完成。從整體上來說學生還是很配合的,尤其是中間那個設計的flash很能引起學生的興趣,讓下午的第一節(jié)課也不是那么的沉悶,這個可能是一個亮點。但是在上課的過程中前面的時間稍微用長了一點,導致后面設計的讓學生分別給MillieSimon 提建議的任務沒有完成,而且最后由于時間的匆忙,在給 Milllie的建議中有學生說到一個“離家出走”的建議沒有進一步引申,沒有進一步展開討論當今青少年的問題,是這節(jié)課的一個遺憾。             


